LeBron James Greatest Game?

It’s always great talking LeBron James and Cavs basketball with Michael Reghi and JT on the Kenny and JT show on 1480 WHBC. We broke down Game 5 of the 2007 NBA’s Eastern Conference Finals – Cavs at Pistons, when King James scored 48pts – including Cleveland’s final 25 points and 29 of the Cavaliers last 30 points in the 109-107 double overtime win at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit. We talked about it from two different perspectives:

  1. Michael and I were there in person at the Palace to witness it first hand.
  2. JT was at home watching on TV.

Listen to our Podcast here by copying and pasting this link in your browser – https://www.whbc.com/kenny-roda-podcast/?futurishared=3689&station=WHBCAM#.Xq2rFVr6Gio.twitter

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