52 years. 18,802 days. 451,248 hours. 27,074,880 minutes. 1,624,492,800 seconds. Any way you cut it, that’s a long time to wait between major professional sports team championships. We are honored to have ended the drought, the curse, or whatever it was called, this past Sunday, June 19th, at 10:37 p.m. eastern time. No fan base, and no city, deserved this championship more than Cleveland, Ohio, and not because it had been so long since the last one.
But because you are the most loyal and passionate fans on the planet.
Your spirit and refusal to never stop believing is what fueled every single one of us at Quicken Loans Arena at One Center Court. Thank you for being the source of all that motivated so many great people to work together to reach our dream.
So, this city is no longer “Believeland.” It is now “Achieveland.” I’ve got a feeling this new era has just begun…
Dan Gilbert & The Entire Cleveland Cavaliers Family |